Saturday, April 28, 2007

the monday b4 last, during cell group, i rmmr huifang asking all of us this - if we truly believe that prayer is the way to revival, and yet we aren't praying enough, ask ourselves why we aren't doing so.

for me, it's that i lack discipline... jialing here's a lazy bum. and pretty distracted by things of the world too these days. there's like a million and one things to be doing, a million and one things competing for our attention. hais. i need a prayer buddy, or a quiet time buddy to bug me (n vice versa, so i bug that person as well) to do quiet time.

was thinking yesterday that i wanna pray for quite a number of people. so here goes, in no order of importance, and some without names cos might not be nice to name in some.

Dear God, i pray for those people still having exams, people like Annie, QinYing and Jason in particular, that you'll continue to sustain them through this tiring and stressful period. i pray that they will have peace in their hearts as they study, that they'll be able to focus and absorb whatever they're studying. help them to really concentrate and productive, and not to be easily distacted by other things. help to know when to take appropriate breaks as well. i thank you Lord for their faith in You, that they still honour You by coming for service and cell group. i pray that even through periods like these, they will grow in You, because they will learn to rely and depend on You. :)

Dear God, thank you for Clarissa. Thank you for blessing me with this friend in my life. Thank you that even though its been... like ten million years since i last had a proper heart to heart chat with her and/or met her to catch up, i know Lord that our friendship has its foundation in You, and that You'll watch over and guard this precious friendship. I thank you Lord, that during this exam period, she does not feel sian studying. I pray that for her remaining 2 papers, you'll continue to sustain her through. that she'll even enjoy what she's learning, and wont feel stressed, i pray that she'll know how to manage her time properly so as to finish studying everything. that somehow, in Your own special way, You'll help her to be aware of what are the more important things to study. and i thank you Lord for the fun i know we'll have when we finally meet up again... :)

Dear Lord, i pray for my dear friends who are spiritually dry at this point in their lives, or even just somewhat lost or feeling meaningless, or who just feel that they are backsliding. i dont know what to say, but Lord, i pray that you will refresh them. that You will give them a fresh touch of You, and revive them Lord... that whatever issues they may have and may be struggling with, Lord You will speak to them , give them an answer, and that they'll be assured once more of Your sovereignty, and be able to trust in You knowing You are in full control and that you have exciting plans for them... remind them Lord that You love them so very very much, and that You'll never leave or forsake them. Refresh them Lord... refresh these 3 friends of mine, the 3 friends i'm praying for in particular at this moment.

Dear Lord, i pray for Your continued protection over my dearest dearest brother, currently far far away in Grand Canyon... i pray that he'll be able to settle down and adapt to the environment there, and that he'll get along well with the people there as well as make new friends. At the same time Lord, i pray You guard his heart from negative, undesirable influences. I pray that He'll be able to find a church service there to attend, that he will even want to do so, even though he does not do so in Singapore. I pray that you just enlarge that God-shaped vacuum in him that all of us have, that he'll want to deepen his relationship with you, and to grow in You oh Lord... whatever problems that he may face there, i pray that You will help him to face anf overcome them. i pray for favour for him, favour by his employers, his superiors, the people he's serving on waiting on or whatever... that he will enjoy favour with all these people.

Dear Lord, i commit to You friends who do not know You and who have not accpeted You, in particular xiaohui, junyuan, cheryl, kah hua, and even my new ngee ann friend, kenedict. Lord i pray that create in them a desire to want to know You... i thank you for the openess of some of them towards finding out more about You... i pray that You touch their hearts and prepare them for that one day when they will feel compelled by the truth, and will accept you whole-heartedly into their lives as their saviour and friend. i pray Lord, that this special day be sooner rather than later. Lord i pray that You will just reveal yourself to them in special intimate ways, such that they cannot possible doubt that it is You Lord at work in their lives. i pray Lord that you remove whatever obstacles that are in their paths, preventing them from accepting You... or that You just address their concerns, whatever concerns they may have. i pray too, Lord, for the boldness to share with them about You, that i will know when are the appropriate times to share, and what to share as well. that i will be led by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, who will guide my lips. Thank you Father. Also, i pray that you will help me to be a betteer friend to them, that you will help me to live my life in such a way that they can see You in me, and will hence wanna get to know You for themselves as well...

Dear Lord, i thank You for seeing Wei Siong through his studies at Michigan. i thank You for the excellent results that he's graduatin with, and i thank You too, for the path you've prepared for him. as he heads back to Singapore, i pray You grant him journey mercy as well as a safe journey, and that he'll able to get enough rest and sleep well on the plane. Lord, i thank You for guarding and protecting our relationship all this while. i pray that You will continue to be at the centre of this relationship, holding the 2 of us together, that as a couple we will strive to honour You and obey Your ways, supporting and encouraging each other in You. i pray that you will work in his life, changing him so irrevcably that people around him, like his family, will notice the positive ways in which You have changed Him, and will hence be more open to You oh Lord...

ok, this roughly sums up my prayer list for now... actually there are still things and people i wanna pray for, but due to time constrains, i'll continue at a later time. gotta start preparing to go for service liaos!!! :)


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